January 20, 2022
Led by Bob Rosen
It would take Napoleon's earth-shattering quest to conquer Europe to scatter the five brothers to the four winds, but when the dust settled, there was a Rothschild brother and a Rothchild bank in five cities: London, Paris, Frankfort, Naples, and Vikenna. The era of haute finance had begun, and the legond of a banking empire mor epowerful than any royal family in history was established.
In this book, you will follow the progress of the Rochchild family through the centuries. Their ranks included not only bankers and financiers but doctors, scientists, bomb experts, and collector who amassed not only some of the finest art collections in Europe, but also one of the finest bug collections.
Find out for yourself how the Rothschilds prevented wars, crowned and uncrowned kings, helped win the Battle of Waterloo, looked down their noses at the Nazis, and established a Jewish homeland in Palestine.